Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Cause and Effect of Anorexia - 1083 Words

Cause and Effect of Anorexia Of all girls and women in the United States, ten percent will be affected by an eating disorder. Men and women alike are affected, however it is more common in women, specifically those aged thirteen to twenty. The most common eating disorder among teenage girls is anorexia nervosa. This disease is mostly linked with an overwhelming desire to be thin. People take extreme measures to achieve this goal (â€Å"Causes†). Anorexia is a very mysterious and misunderstood disease. One of the reasons for this is that scientists have not pinpointed one certain cause for the disease. There are many different causes ranging from genetic to environmental factors. One of the most well-known causes of anorexia in teenagers is†¦show more content†¦In the most severe cases of anorexia, there is often heart damage. Anorexia causes loss of muscle mass. The heart is a major muscle and cannot properly function because of the weakened condition. Pulse and breathing rates can drop and this can eventually lead to death if not treated. Osteoporosis is another serious effect of anorexia nervosa. This is often a result of amenorrhea. Low calories, protein, and calcium intake also pose a greater risk for osteoporosis to develop. Osteoporosis is when the bones become very thin and are more susceptible to fractures (â€Å"Physical†). Many anorexic women experience problems when trying to become pregnant. Since women who suffer from anorexia sometimes have interruptions in their menstrual cycle, this causes a hormonal imbalance that can lead to infertility. If a woman who has suffered from anorexia does become pregnant, she faces many dangers throughout her pregnancy. There is a much greater chance of a woman having a miscarriage and if she does go full-term she will be more likely to deliver a premature baby and have to deliver via cesarean section. The physiological effects of anorexia in teenage girls most often lead to emotional problems as well. Frequent mood swin gs and depression are among the top emotional effects of anorexia. Anorexics often have very low self-esteem and feel that their body is unacceptable. Because of this feeling, they have a fixationShow MoreRelatedThe Cause and Effects of Anorexia2797 Words   |  12 PagesThe Cause and Effects of Anorexia Anorexia nervosa, commonly referred to simply as anorexia, is one type of eating disorder. More importantly, it is also a psychological disorder. Anorexia is a condition that goes beyond out-of-control dieting. A person with anorexia often initially begins dieting to lose weight. Over time, the weight loss becomes a sign of mastery and control. The drive to become thinner is actually secondary to concerns about control and/or fears relating to ones body. The individualRead MoreEssay on Cause and Effect of Anorexia1128 Words   |  5 Pageswas not cancer or AIDS. I had anorexia, a condition which afflicts many teens and young adults, especially young women.† Holly ( Anorexia is a type of eating disorder who has an intense fear of gaining weight. They severely limit the amount of food they eat and can become dangerously thin (1). Anorexia affects both the mind and body and can even become deadly. Anorexia usually starts in the teen years and can go into adult hood. Untreated anorexia can lead to starvation and seriousRead MoreThe Hidden Causes and Effects of Anorexia and Bulimia781 Words   |  3 Pages The Hidden Causes and Effects of Anorexia and Bulimia There two general types of eating disorders Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. There is also Anorexic Bulimics. The first type and the subtype is anorexics and the bulimic anorexics. From research shown in the article, Cognitive Styles of Patients with Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, AN patients (Anorexia Nervosa) Patients have weight loss due to pure diet. Also there are those in the subtype AB (Anorexic Bulimics), â€Å"alsoRead MoreThe Dangerous Effects of Eating Disorders1100 Words   |  5 PagesThe Dangerous Effects of Eating Disorders You probably hear about eating disorders, and how they can be do dangerous, but what are eating disorders exactly? Eating disorders are a groups of serious conditions in which you are so preoccupied with the food that you eat and how much you weigh, you often focus on little else ( ). There are three main types of eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa is the fear ofRead MoreAnorexia Nervos A Psychological And Physical Causes And Consequences Of Anorexia930 Words   |  4 Pagespeople with anorexia are related to at least one person with the disorder. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder with mainly adolescent victims. Different studies have been able to identify some of the psychological and physical causes and consequences of anorexia. Many people dismiss anorexia nervosa as a short-lived adolescent disorder, but most do not realize the disease’s long-lasting implications on health and how crucial it is to seek treatment. The UMMC (2016) defines anorexia nervosa asRead MoreAnorexia Nervosa And Its Effects On Society1514 Words   |  7 Pagespeople are currently suffering from Anorexia. Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder in which people suffering drastically restrict food intake due to an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted body image. There has been an unfortunate increase in people suffering from Anorexia Nervosa over the past several decades. Anorexia can be caused by a combination of social, interpersonal, and psychological factors that must be resolved through treatment. Anorexia is an extremely dangerous disorderRead MoreAnorexia - Informative Speech Essay748 Words   |  3 Pagestoday about anorexia; what it is, signs, causes, effects, and possible treatments to help it. First, I will tell you what anorexia is. People with anorexia have an extreme and irrational dread of becoming fat and they have a distorted view of their body size and shape. They will hardly eat at all and the small amounts of food they do eat become an obsession. When you suffer from anorexia, no matter who much you weight you have lost, its never enough. There are two types of anorexia called RestrictingRead MoreAnorexia Nervosa- Eating Disorder1685 Words   |  7 PagesEffects of anorexia are mostly seen on the outside of the victim’s body, but do not be fooled. This detrimental eating disorder affects one’s mind just as much as it would the body. What Anorexia does to the mind is that it distorts the way one views their body. Victims of anorexia become fixated on their body image and overly critical about their flaws and weight. Even being obviously underweight, Anorexics will continuously deny that they have a problem and continue with their fatal practices.Rea d MoreThe Effects Of Anorexia Nervosa On The Human Body1406 Words   |  6 PagesThe Effects of Anorexia Nervosa On the Human Body Anorexia is a lack or loss of appetite for food as a medical condition and is also considered an emotional disorder categorized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat. Anorexia is found in all people, male and female of any age and in some cases can be life threatening. The reason Anorexia and all eating disorders in general are important to study is because they are a significant part of society. Eating disorders also hold theRead MoreA Brief Note On Anorexia And Anorexia Nervosa1148 Words   |  5 PagesAnorexia is a severe eating disorder which is generally characterized by severe weight loss and life threatening dieting these then results in malnourishment (Anorexia Nervosa , 2015). Bulimia and Anorexia are known to be the two most largely known eating disorders that are very serious and affect many teenagers. 95% of people suffering with anorexia are known to be girls however there’s an average 5% of males that suffer from this mental illness. Anorexia is when the brain goes into over drive to

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Women in Business - 1576 Words

Women Entrepreneurs in Business While women still face an uphill battle when it comes to breaking the corporate glass ceiling, many women are finding success these days as entrepreneurs, building their own businesses without those ceilings to hold them down. The growth rate of women-owned businesses has climbed steadily, even as they continue to face challenges with getting the financing and other assistance they need to succeed. However, theres no doubt that women entrepreneurs are, as a group, innovative and highly successful. Look at women in business today, and you see a distinct new generation of Entrepreneurs. They are experienced, educated and have an appetite for growth. – Julie Weeks, Director of Research, Center for Womens†¦show more content†¦Within just one month, it had surpassed Donahue as the #1 local talk show, and within a year it was renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show. It has remained the number one talk show for 18 seasons, has won dozens of Emmys, and is seen by an estimated 30 million viewers a week in the United States and is broadcast internationally in 111 countries. Not content to work for someone else, in 1988, Oprah founded her own production facility, Harpo Studios. Since then, it has grown into Harpo, Inc., which employs around 250 full-time people in television and film production, magazine publishing, and online media. Although shes a billionaire (the first black woman to achieve it) with a long list of business accomplishments and awards, Oprah told Fortune Magazin e, I dont think of myself as a businesswoman. But by most peoples accounts, shes the most powerful woman in the entertainment industry. Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics created a business that has helped some half a million women fulfill their dreams of business ownership. A best-selling author and powerful motivational speaker, Lifetime Television named her the Most Outstanding Woman in Business in the 20th Century. With her life savings of $5,000 and the help of her 20-year-old son, Mary Kay opened her first store in Dallas, Texas in 1963. Mary Kay Inc. started with just nine independent beauty consultants. She based the companys philosophy strongly on her Christian faith. She told her people toShow MoreRelatedWomen in Business2263 Words   |  10 PagesWOMEN IN BUSINESS Course: HRMG 5000 Managing Human Resources Term: Summer, 2011 Paper #1: Women in Business Student: Daphne Westerlaken – van Westen Contact information: University: Webster University Leiden Instructor: Arthur De La Loza -2Abstract There is a direct correlation between corporate finance performance and women in leadership roles. The number of female college graduates and overall percentage of females in the workforce is increasing. 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They consist of doctors, lawyers, bankers, and salespeople. We will also be focusing on the customers of all of the businesses in the area as well. Young people are drinking more coffee than in recent years, according to the data compiled by the National Coffee Association: 54 percent of people over the age of 18 are drinking coffe e each day. This be our target age group in the Charleston area. Men and women alike will be in our target

Monday, December 9, 2019

Business Management of Qantas Environment

Question: Discuss about the Business Management of Qantas Environment. Answer: Introduction The report is all about the business management of the organization in the general and specific environment. For the discussion, Qantas airlines will be taken. In the report, one factor from the general environment and one factor from the specific environment will be taken. The report will focus on the specific aspects of the organization by critical analysis. Qantas Airlines limited is one of the popular national airlines of Australia. This is the biggest airline in the Australian Airline industry and this is also the oldest working airline in the world. The Headquarter of the Qantas Airlines is Mascot Suburb, Sydney. The Airlines started its operations in 1920 with the name Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited. Now, in the present time Qantas is the famous long distance airline across the world. The mission of the company is to operate as the best airline across the world and to be the low cost airline in the world (Qantas airline, 2016). The main objectives of the Qantas Airlines are as follows: To ensure security and safety of the passengers through best safety services, To provide best customer services to its travelers and passengers, To improve the productivity of the company by continuous operational efficiency, To develop and prove Qantas as the best company in terms of low cost, and To provide best route for traveling by selecting proper and right way and aircraft. After some time, Qantas group has divided the services in to two airlines named Qantas and Jetstar. The company has various brands i.e. Qantas Frequent Flyer, Jetstar, Qantas freight, and Q-catering. These brands are operating in domestic, regional and international market having in-flight catering and travel services. This airline is a commercial airline. The main focus of the company is to adopt strong marketing policy such as operation policy and customer services. In this report, the aim is to strategically analyze business operations of Qantas Airlines (Qantas Airways, 2010). For this, environmental analysis in terms of general and specific factors will be done. It has been seen that the Qantas Airlines has evolved in this industry and also facing competition in the market. Along with this, there are many factors the can affect the business operations of the company. The CSR activities adopted by the company will also be described in the report. Organizations general environment General environment of the company includes those factors or conditions that generally affect the business operations in an industry or market. Those factors are legal, economic, social, political, and circumstances. These factors can be rules and regulations imposed by the government on trade practices, taxation or employment rule and climate. The climate in the business is such in which the customers have purchasing power and willingness to purchase the specific product or services. The business operation of the Qantas is affected by many environmental factors. The company is affected by political, technological, economic, social, legal and socio cultural factors. One of the general environment factor is economic factor which significantly on the business of Qantas. The performance of Australian economy is declining and also affecting the performance level of the company. The performance of Qantas Airlines has been affected by the economic condition of Australian market. There was financial crisis in the market that impacts the airline and hit the market. Along with this, the airline industry is also affected by the increased prices of oil and crude. There is instability in the economic situations in Australian market and that is the reason the business of the Qantas Airlines is affecting more (Pash, 2016). In the airline industry, there is strong competition in the market due to low cost airlines. There are many airlines which are attracting the customers by providing low cost services to them. Customers, now a days are very smart and they are able to compare the prices of the airlines through internet. Internet has made this thing very easy for them. Due to the competition, the Qantas has launched its carrier Jet Star. Along with this, another impact on the airlines is that the rates of business class carriers and first class travels are decreasing continuously. Their rates have come down drastically over the last few years. All the major airline companies found that the reducing rates in the business class and first class are one of the main causes of reducing the cost of the company. Qantas airlines are also facing same issue in the industry. On the other hand, the operators of airlines are reducing their costs by finding the instability in the system. So, they are putting efforts to reduce their operational costs. The main challenge for the Qantas is develop the financial cycle and indentify the investment opportunity for the business. Due to increment in the fuel prices, the Qantas has faced losses in last year (Lawton, 2002). The economic factors of the market are affecting the business of the company but it is important to deal with those factors for the success in the industry. As the business operator, the company cannot control the economic factors. Due to changes in the prices of fuel and crude, Qantas has faced many problems. By some strategic decisions, company will be able to overcome from the impact of economic factors. There is a need to adopt more aggressive and customized to cover Asian market. Company can import the oil and crude from such nations where the prices of fuel are low. Along with this, to overcome from the competition, company should provide innovative services with the travelling services. To deal with these factors, communication is the best option. Employees in the company can join the hands to solve the problem. The most important need of the business is to make money on the continuous basis (Qantas, 2015). To deal with the economic factors, it is important to focus on some po ints and those are as follows: There is the need in the Qantas to focus on the demand of customer for getting success in the market. The demand of the customers is the low cost traveling experience with the innovative services. Market research shows that consumers are now using technology to compare the prices and services. They switch to that airline which has low prices. So, there is the need to understand the demands of the customers. Company should do innovation in its services time to time (Roades Waguespack, 2008). This is another economic factor. High tax on the fuel and oil encourages the customers to switch to other airlines. Increasing charges of tickets are also affecting the decision of the customers. This situation can be deal by keeping the average rates for the customers. Along with this, company can provide attractive offers to the passengers (Law Leung, 2000). Organizations specific environment The specific environment of the organization can be described as the forces the environment from outside of the organization. These forces or environment are directly connected to the success of the organization because they have direct impact on the decision making process of the organization. The factor s of specific environment is unique and can be change according to the conditions. The important factors in the specific environment are suppliers, competitors, customers, and pressure groups. Customers are the important part of the company because they are the key of success. The company is providing good services to its customers. The company is trying to provide quality services to its customers because the buying and consumption behavior of the consumers are very important for the future growth. It has been observed that consumers are switching towards low cost airlines. Because of excess in their requirements, consumers of Qantas airlines are switching towards other airlines. But still, Qantas airlines are trying to identify the needs of the customers (Ranaweera Prabhu, 2003). The result is that it is the second largest airline in the Australia. The company is trying to provide different range of services to various customers and for this, it is operating its services for regional areas and international markets. Still having these services, the customers want more and they are switching to other low cost airlines. Failure in the services can lead negative impact on the customers and the company (Lewis McCann, 2004). Customers have lots of expectations from the airlines regarding prices, quality, and support of the employees etc. the company is always trying to fulfill the needs of the customers. But at some point, the company is failure in terms of providing services. The failure of the service can be the cause of customer dissatisfaction so there is the need to adopt some strategies (Lovelock, Wirtz, 2007). Those strategies can be: Company needs to identify that where is the problem. It involves identifying the problem and solving it quickly. There can be many problems such booking services, website error, aircraft services, quality, price, and behavior of the employees. There is a need to identify the problems by the company so that it could provide better services to the customers. After identification of the problem, the main aim of the company should be the recovery of the problem. By focusing on the cause of the problem, company will be able to deal with those factors which are creating the problems. Website error can be a problem because of server failure and behavior of the employee cannot be so good due to lack of motivation. Because of lack of attention, there can be issues related to the price and quality (Babbar Koufteros, 2008). Company can adopt proper strategy such as communicating the customers to tell about the problem. By communicating with the customers, the company will be able to get feedback from the customers. Along with this, the company will be able to explain the reason behind the failure of services. This will ensure the customers about the loyalty of the company towards the customers. Employees should be trained by the company to overcome from the failure of services. This is because the customer satisfaction depends upon the actions, judgment of the customers and decision making power. So, it is very important that company train its employees for providing the best quality services. Training of the employees should include the providing assurance to the customers who are facing problems in the services provided by the company. Along with this, training must include empower and motivate the employees at the time of failure, and focus on the satisfaction of the employees so that they can provide customer satisfaction. These training parts will be helpful for the company to recover the problems in the services (Zeithaml, Bithner Gremler, 2009). Qantas airlines can adopt the above discussed strategies for retaining the customers. It will also be helpful to recover from the services problems and failures by effective training, communication with the customers, and explanation regarding service failures. Apart from this, apology is the good option that can be adopted by the company (Cranage, 2004). CSR strategies by Qantas Qantas airlines are leading airlines in the Australian airline industry. With its good services, it has pleased its customers. This is the biggest airline in the Australian Airline industry and this is also the oldest working airline in the world. In the company there are some ethics related to the business operations. The company is using CSR strategies to strengthen its business in the Australian market (Coye, 2004). Qantas is using the fuel efficient planes and aircrafts such as Boeingdream lines 787 which is very much fuel efficient. In the Jet Star, the Aerodynamic drag is used by the company which is also very fuel effective. Along with this, the company is concerned with the conserving of fossil fuel which helps the company to save the fuel. With this strategy, company is able to save more than 4.9 million of fuel per year. This strategy of saving fuel has decreased the issue of sustainability to save the ecological balance. In todays market, customers are very concerned about the environment and they chose those services which are sustainable and environment friendly. So, the customers are associated with Qantas because it has the environmental friendly services by saving the fuel (Christopher, Payne Ballantyne, 2002). Qantas is trying to maintain its brand image strong in the market. Consumers and employees are because of the quality of services of Qantas but they want more than their needs, wants and expectations. To provide safe and secure working environment to the employees is very important for the company. There are many efforts done by the company to reduce the workplace hazards related to the health and safety of the employees in the social responsibility. Qantas also has made significant efforts to promote the workplace diversity by different measures. The organizations social performance is found positive in terms of representation of female in the board membership. The Qantas has raised its female representation in the board by 8% to 25% and in the foundation board, female representation is 57%. Along with this, Qantas has also adopted proactive attitudes for the flexible work environment for its employees. By doing this, Qantas is able to meet the national requirements. Sometimes compa ny provides necessary balance in the work life of the employees (Greatbrook, 2016). Personal quiz Culture of the organization is very important for the growth and success. The organizational culture is different in every organization. For the Qantas airlines, an analysis has been done on the basis of personal insights quiz. The scoring in the quiz is given below: I like the thrill and excitement from taking risk- 4 I prefer managers who provide detailed and expectations for their decisions- 5 If a persons job performance is inadequate, its irrelevant how much effort he or she made-5 No persons needs should be compromised in order for a department to achieve its goals-4 I like being part of a team and having my performance assessed in terms of my contribution to the team-5 I like to work where there is not a great deal of pressure and where people are essentially easygoing-4 I like things to be stable and predictable-5 According to the quiz, if the sum of the score is above 22, so it can be said that the culture of the organization is informal, flexible, and innovative. The company has humanistic and strong culture. According to me, I will be fit into this organization very well because the company always focuses on the benefit of the employees. It focuses on the welfare of the society and it also takes challenges in the competitive environment. Conclusion This report has been discussed about the environmental factors affecting the operations of Qantas airlines. From the above discussion, it has been analyzed that Qantas Airlines limited is one of the popular national airlines of Australia. This is the biggest airline in the Australian Airline industry and this is also the oldest working airline in the world. Factors in general environment describe how society or community can affect the operations of a business in general manner. The economic factors have the significant impact on the performance level of the Qantas Airlines. Qantas airline is also facing strong competition due to low cost airlines in the Australian airline industry. So, it is important to maintain the brand image among the customers. By the CSR activities, the company y is trying in this way. By the quiz, it is clear that the Qantas airlines has flexible, and innovative environment for the employees. To satisfy the customers, Qantas can provide the regret for the fai lure of the services. By expressing the apology, the image of the company can be increased in front of the customers. Along with this, company can also present compensation such as discount, vouchers and tangible payments in front of customers for improving the customer satisfaction. References Babbar, S., Koufteros, X., (2008), the human element in airline service quality: Contact personnel and customers, International Journal of operation production management, 28(9), 804-830 Christopher, M., Payne, A., Ballantyne, D., (2002), Relationship Marketing: Creating Stakeholder Value, Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann Coye, R. W., (2004), Managing customer expectations in the service encounter: International Journal of Service Industry Management, 5(1), 5471 Cranage, D., (2004), Plan to do to right: and plan for recovery: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 16(4), 210219 Greatbrook, (2016), making the case for service recovery strategies, accessed on 9th January 2017 from Law, R., Leung, R., (2000), a study of airlines online reservation services on the Internet: Travel Research, 39(2), 202-211 Lawton, T.C., (2002), Cleared for take-off, structure and strategy in the low fare airline business, Eng: Ashgate publishing limited Lewis, B. R., McCann, P., (2004), Service failure and recovery: evidence from the hotel industry: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 16(1), 6-17 Lovelock, Wirtz, (2007), Service Marketing- people, technology, strategy (6th), Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall Pash, C., (2016), Qantas has improved its ranking as one of the world's most valuable airline brands, accessed on 9th January 2017 from Qantas airline, (2016), Connecting Australia to the world, accessed on 9th January 2017 from Qantas Airways, (2010), THE QANTAS GROUP AT A GLANCE, accessed on 9th January 2017 from Qantas, (2015), A STRONG, SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, accessed on 9th January 2017 from Ranaweera C., Prabhu J., (2003), On the relative importance of customer satisfaction and trust as determinants of customer retention and positive word of mouth: Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 12 (1), p. 82 Roades, D.L., Waguespack,J, B, (2008), Twenty years of service quality performance in the US airlines industry managing service quality, 18(1), 20-33 Zeithaml, V.A., Bithner, M. J., Gremler, D.D., (2009), Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm (5th), NY: McGrew Hill

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Why It Is Bad to Miss Class free essay sample

Mike Meyer Professor Calderwood Argumentation/Debate May 22, 2013 Why it is Bad to Miss Class Missing class is never a good thing, especially when you are taking a class that meets once a week. Everyone has their excuses to why they have to miss class. You could be sick, someone happened to hit your car on you way to school; there can be a death in the family, or just didn’t feel like going to class. What ever your reason is you should always strive to make it class no matter what because you miss out on lesson, you lose the classroom experience for the day, and you get marked down on your grade. First of all, the main reason why you go to class is so you can learn. You go to class to learn because you either are interested in the subject or you need to know the material so you can pass the class with a good grade. We will write a custom essay sample on Why It Is Bad to Miss Class or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Students who do not show up to class get lower marks on their test and therefore they get lower grades in the class. When you are not class you force yourself to learn the material by yourself and that is much harder to do rather than having an expert in the subject teach you. Second of all, you miss out on the classroom experience. On of the biggest advantages you have in going to class is having a teacher and classmates in a room sharing the common goal in learning. You are able to ask questions to the teacher or your classmates and you will get your answers rather than having to research for an answer on you own. Also, if either the teacher or your classmates know the answer to your question then everyone in the classroom will work together to find one. The classroom experience is one big advantage you have and not going is just making life harder on yourself. Lastly, if you don not go to class you will get marked down on your grade. A lot of classes grade you on participation and every time you don’t go to class you miss out on points. You could also not be in class and there could be a quiz or even a test and you not being at class means you get a zero on that grade. The more you miss class, the more you miss out on points for your grade to get better, and if your missing those points your grade is not staying the same, it is getting worse. In conclusion, missing class is never a good thing. We al have are excuses for missing class but do your best to be there every single day. If you do miss class just remember that you miss out on the lesson for that day, you lose the classroom experience for the day, and you get marked down on your grade. Going to class is always the right thing to do and if you do have a professor that will let you do an assignment, such as write a six hundred page paper on why it is bad to miss class to redeem the points you missed out on for the class, then you will wished that you went to class instead.