Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Historical Perspective On Anxiety Management Training Essay

In the article by Richard M. Suinn, of Colorado State University, titled â€Å"Clinical Practice, University Research, and Students: A Historical Perspective on Anxiety Management Training† from The American Psychologist, Suinn discusses the history and application of Anxiety Management Training, AMT. He first explains his development of AMT through is many years of educating at various universities. Suinn first talks how he first â€Å"examined how anxiety influenced the relationship between self-acceptance and acceptance of others and the association between anxiety and identification† at Whitman College. (Suinn, 1995, p. 287) After many years of research he along with one of his student, Hunter Hill, they found â€Å"that anxiety disrupts the trend for self-perceptions to color evaluations of others and is significantly associated with low self-esteem.† (Suinn, 1995, p. 287) While at Whitman he also conducted research with another student, Tom Smith, where they hypothesized that is a correlation between high identification and low anxiety. However, this hypothesis was proven to be wrong and they found no relationship between the two. Suinn, then talks about his time at the University of Hawaii. Here, along with some of his students, investigated if group desensiti zation or individual desensitization was more effective. 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